Morris School District
NJTRAx Digital Learning Readiness Jump Page
Take a Survey
Enter the code provided to you by your school Point-of-Contact, then click submit. That code will ensure that you take the correct survey. It will also ensure that your responses will be linked to the correct school.

The Morris School District is using the NJTRAx Digital Learning tool to assess readiness and implementation.

Sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Education, this Digital Learning Readiness Assessment is assesses the readiness and progress a school has made in digital and remote learrning. Grounded in a key set of indicators for effective implementation of digital learning, five surveys will be used to collect data from five different stakeholder groups. Those five include: students, parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, and information technology coordinators. Once the data are collected, a customized report for the school will be generated with its readiness ratings for digital learning and comparisons of perspectives across the survey respondent groups.

This site is a JUMP PAGE into the surveys. Students, parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, and information technology coordinators should enter their code into the box at the left. Upon clicking submit, the dashboard will confirm their survey participation and then connect them into the correct survey.